Thursday, January 5, 2012

My knitting...

Scarves I knitted as Christmas gifts for some very dear friends :)

I taught myself to knit roughly six years ago, around the time my youngest child was one year old. I bought a beginners knitting kit at Wally World and literally sat for hours casting on and taking it back off, over and over again till I had it right. I was determined to learn to knit and once I mastered the fine art of casting on stitches to a knitting needle  the rest was pretty easy. I did however learn some tricks along the way, like casting on and binding off loosely. That was a big one for me, I never really had a problem with the casting on once I got the hang of it but I did have a problem with binding off to tightly and that can ruin a project causing it to pucker. That falls into the "live and learn" category of life and of course the more you do something the better you get. Hence, what my mom always told me "practice makes perfect". It really is true. I love love love knitting! I find holding and working the knitting needles in my hands very therapeutic. I don't use a loom, though my mother finds them much easier to use. I have, however, assisted my daughters in using one. I prefer the knitting needles myself, but to each their own. I wish I had pictures of the projects I did right after I learned to knit. I made chic hand bags, awesome ponchos, tons of funky scarves, a couple cute caps, a pair of adorable slipper socks and a fabulous pair of fingerless gloves (I was extremely proud of the gloves). Of course life took over and projects got put off but I have picked the knitting needles back up and am loving it again. I wanted to share some scarves I knitted as Christmas gifts for some very dear friends of mine and a peek of my new project I am working on. Hope y'all enjoy and until next time....stay crafty!

Project I am currently working on...more pics to come :)