Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A little about me...

Well I figure since this is my first blog entry I would tell everyone a little about myself and it's a huge secret...are you ready? I love to craft! Ha ha I know you wouldn't be able to figure that out on your own huh. I was raised with artistic people all around me, like my uncle whom when he was alive you would never guess of his artistic ability by looking at him (he was a burly biker and very tough) but he painted, sketched, airbrushed, tattooed, wood burned...he really did it all. My grandmother and mother are my biggest influences and they both contributed to my craftability. I honestly believe there wasn't anything my grandmother couldn't do. She painted the most beautiful oil paintings I have ever seen. My grandmother taught me how to take flowers, moss, and branches and turn them into beautiful arrangements and make a perfect Christmas bow from wired ribbon for wreaths and Christmas tree toppers. She taught me how to paint and both my grandmother and uncle taught me how to draw and sketch, she in particular how to draw a nose and mouth which I had a hard time with. My mother can paint beautifully as well. She doesn't think she's an artist but I've seen her paintings, drawings, crafts, and poetry and trust me she is. I remember when I started high school and my sister was just a toddler my mother started making all sorts of things with paper mache, from bowls to jewelry she made such unique and beautiful creations. It was so cool how she could create such beautiful things from nothing more than paper and glue. My sister is also one of the most creative people I know. She is a very talented artist and has an amazing eye for style and decorating. So as you can see I get my talent honestly and have been blessed with such creative people in my life. I believe life without art is no life at all. Until next time people...stay crafty!

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